Title: Final report of the NICOLE Project on: Sustainability of natural attenuation of aromatics (BTEX) 
Resource Type: document --> technical publication --> report 
Country: EU Projects 
Year: 2007 
Availability: NICOLE Project Final Report 
Author 1/Producer: NICOLE 
Other Authors/Producers: N.J.P. van Ras, R.O. Winters, S.H. Lieten, J.E. Dijkhuis and M.J.C. Henssen, W.A. van Hattem, G. Lethbridge 
Author / Producer Type: Professional / trade / industry associations, institutes or networks 
Publisher: NICOLE Secretariat 
Publisher City: TNO, Appeldoorn, Netherlands. 
Report / download web link (=direct link): http://www.nicole.org  
EUGRIS Keyword(s): Contaminated land-->Contaminants-->BTEX
Contaminated land-->Remediation options-->MNA
Contaminated land-->Wider impacts / sustainability-->Assessment tools
Short description: The NICOLE project 'Monitored Natural Attenuation: demonstration & review of the applicability of MNA at 8 field sites' has shown that industry, regulators and scientists recognise Natural Attenuation (NA) as a useful risk management tool that results in loss of contamination and prevention of plume migration. However, when NA is used to prevent plume migration in the future, the sustainability of NA processes is important. None of the existing protocols considers this element, but this information is essential to give a reliable extrapolation of plume behaviour in the future and to determine the applicability of NA at a site. In this project, recent knowledge about (anaerobic) BTEX degradation was collected by means of a literature review. Specific measurements and/or tests with samples from contaminated sites were performed (anaerobic bench scale feasibility tests, isotopic analyses, bioavailable iron(III) tests, molecular analyses) and confirmed BTEX degradation under various conditions. Based on this knowledge and research results, a new protocol to determine the sustainability of NA of BTEX was developed. This protocol provides information about the mechanisms of and prerequisites for NA of BTEX. It includes (analytical) tools to determine the occurrence of BTEX degradation at a site and a systematic step by step approach to determine the sustainability of the process in the future. The protocol provides the required structured approach to determine the feasibility of MNA as stand-alone option or cost-effective addition to active measures and help to take away possible doubts of site owners and regulatory authorities. 
Link to Project(s): NICOLE Network for Industrially Contaminated Land In Europe
Link to Organisation(s): NICOLE Network for Industrially Contaminated Land in Europe
Submitted By: Professor Paul Bardos WhoDoesWhat?      Last update: 24/07/2007

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