Title: Government UST Compliance Reports 
Resource Type: document --> case study 
Country: USA 
Year: 2007 
Availability: Web based tool 
Author 1/Producer: US EPA 
Author / Producer Type: Agency, regulator or other governmental or inter-governmental body 
Report / download web link (=direct link): http://www.epa.gov/oust/fedlaws/sfreport.htm  
EUGRIS Keyword(s): Contaminated land-->Remediation options-->Remediation options overview
Contaminated land-->Risk assessment-->Risk assessment overview
Contaminated land-->Risk management-->Risk management overview
Short description: Section 1526 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 required that each state and territory receiving funds under Subtitle I of the Solid Waste Disposal Act must submit to EPA's Administrator by August 8, 2007 a report regarding each noncompliant UST located in its jurisdiction that is owned or operated by the federal, state, or local government. Additionally, the Energy Policy Act required that EPA make each report received available to the public through an appropriate media. EPA's posting of states' and territories' reports on the Agency's web site fulfills that requirement. To see the compliance report for each state and territory, see http://www.epa.gov/oust/fedlaws/sfreport.htm . 
Link to Organisation(s): ESTCP Environmental Security Technology Certification Program
Submitted By: Professor Paul Bardos WhoDoesWhat?      Last update: 10/12/2007

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