Title: Restoring Floodplains in Europe - Policy contexts and project Experiences 
Resource Type: document --> technical publication --> book / book chapter(s) 
Country: EU Projects 
Year of publication: 2008 
Author 1/Producer: FLOBAR 2 Consortium 
Other Authors/Producers: Timothy Moss and Jochen Monstadt 
Author / Producer Type: EC Project 
Publisher: IWA Publishing 
ISBN: 9781843390909 
Report / download web link (=direct link): http://www.iwapublishing.com/template.cfm?name=isbn184339090 ...  
EUGRIS Keyword(s): Water resources and their management -->River basins
Water resources and their management -->Water resources and their management Overview
Short description: The book is based on the social science research component of the FP5 project FLOBAR 2 'FLOodplain Biodiversity and Restoration 2: Integrated natural science and socio-economic approaches to catchment flow management'. Despite the interest in restoring floodplains, very few schemes for restoring functional floodplains have been put into practice in Europe until now. The book explores the reasons behind this discrepancy between interest and applications with an original and comparative analysis of the institutional drivers and constraints of floodplain restoration in Europe. It explains why so little projects have been successfully implemented, how recent policy shifts are creating new opportunities for floodplain restoration and what lessons for policy development and project management can be drawn from in-depth analysis of past and present schemes. 
Long description: EXTRACT Table of Contents: 1 Institutional dimensions of floodplain restoration in Europe: an introduction Timothy Moss and Jochen Monstadt 2 Floodplains in Europe: the case for restoration Keith Richards and Francine Hughes 3 Flood risk management and floodplain restoration in Europe: recent policy developments at EU level Thomas Dworak 4 Policy innovations in the aftermath of a disaster: contexts of floodplain restoration in Germany Jochen Monstadt and Timothy Moss 5 Floodplain restoration in the context of river basin management: policy development and implementation in France Jochen Monstadt 6 Policy shifts and delivery gaps: contexts of floodplain restoration in England and Wales Timothy Moss 7 The restoration of a floodplain on the Upper Rhine: managing the interface of large-scale policy and small-scale implementation Sylvia Kruse 8. Restoring an alluvial forest and ancient meander on the Garonne: linking environmental protection to fishing and recreation Maria Hagemeier and Axel Klaphake 9. The Long Eau floodplain restoration project: 'Flying by the seat of your pants' Timothy Moss 10. The relocation of a dyke on the River Elbe: floodplain management as a challenge for intersectoral and multilevel coordination Jochen Monstadt 11. Restoring floodplains on the River Seine: combining flood prevention with regional development Maria Hagemeier and Axel Klaphake 12. The Parrett Catchment Project: between rhetoric and reality Ross Beveridge and Timothy Moss 13. Coping with complexity: lessons for policy development, project management and research Timothy Moss and Jochen Monstadt 
Link to Project(s): FLOBAR2 Floodplain Biodiversity and Restoration
Submitted By: Professor Paul Bardos WhoDoesWhat?      Last update: 23/04/2008

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