Title: Long-term fluxes of dissolved and suspended matter in the Ebro River basin (Spain). 
Resource Type: document --> technical publication --> journal article 
Country: EU Projects 
Year: 2009 
Availability: Journal of Hydrology 342(3-4), 249-260. 
Author 1/Producer: Negrel P. 
Other Authors/Producers: Roy S., Petelet-Giraud E., Millot R., Brenot A. 
Author / Producer Type: EC Project 
Publisher: Elsevier 
Article Weblink (=direct link): http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6V ...  
EUGRIS Keyword(s): Diffuse pollution-->Diffuse pollution overview
Diffuse pollution-->Scales
Long description: The study assessed export fluxes for dissolved and solid matter loads on the catchment scale of the Ebro River Basin in Spain over an extended time period. The spatial and temporal distribution of physical and chemical parameters, suspended particulate matter (SPM) and major elements were investigated in the Ebro Basin upstream in Mendavia and downstream in Tortosa between 1981 and 2004 using historical data. 
Link to Project(s): AQUATERRA Integrated modelling of the river-sediment-soil-groundwater system; advanced tools for the management of catchment areas and river basins in the context of global change
Submitted By: Dr Antony Chapman WhoDoesWhat?      Last update: 24/04/2009

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