Title: An Approach for Evaluating the Progress of Natural Attenuation in Groundwater 
Resource Type: document --> guidance / decision support 
Country: USA 
Year: 2011 
Availability: EPA 600-R-11-204 
Author 1/Producer: US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) 
Author / Producer Type: Agency, regulator or other governmental or inter-governmental body 
Report / download web link (=direct link): http://www.epa.gov/nrmrl/pubs/600r11204/600r11204.pdf  
EUGRIS Keyword(s): Contaminated land-->Remediation options-->MNA
Short description: The purpose of this document is to present a simple, statistically based approach for evaluating the progress of natural attenuation from the data collected during site characterization and long term monitoring. The intended audience is technical professionals that actually perform the data analyses (i.e., hydrogeologists, engineers) as well as project managers who review those analyses and/or make decisions based on those analyses 
Submitted By: Professor Paul Bardos WhoDoesWhat?      Last update: 08/03/2012

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