Title: Renewable Energy Projects on Potentially Contaminated Lands, Landfills, and Mine Sites 
Resource Type: document --> public information 
Country: USA 
Language(s): English
Year: 2012 
Author 1/Producer: US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) 
Author / Producer Type: Agency, regulator or other governmental or inter-governmental body 
Report/Document number/description: RE-Powering America's Land Initiative, Updated as of October 2012 
Publisher Country: USA 
Publisher web link (root): http://www.epa.gov/renewableenergyland/docs/repowering_trackingmatrix_oct12.pdf
Report / download web link (=direct link): http://www.epa.gov/renewableenergyland/docs/repowering_track ...  
EUGRIS Keyword(s): Brownfields
Contaminated land-->Remediation options-->Recycling/reuse
Contaminated land-->Remediation options-->Remediation options overview
Contaminated land-->Risk management-->Risk management overview
Contaminated land-->Wider impacts / sustainability-->Sustainable / green remediation
Short description: This list tracks completed projects where renewable energy systems have been installed on contaminated lands, landfills, and mine sites. Projects on this list include ground-mounted utility-scale systems, roof-top systems, and systems used for onsite power, including to power the cleanup activities. Summary statistics of the known installations are provided below. This resource is for informational purposes only. The information in this list was gathered from public announcements of renewable energy projects in the form of company press releases, news releases, and, in some cases, conversations with the parties involved. It may not be a comprehensive list of all projects completed on contaminated land. To provide information on additional projects, please email cleanenergy@epa.gov. 
Submitted By: Professor Paul Bardos WhoDoesWhat?      Last update: 01/11/2012

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