Title: Software produced by the Consortium (SiC Win) 
Resource Type: software --> modelling 
Country: EU Projects 
Year: 2000 
Availability: W-SAHarRA Consortium,2000,Software produced by the Consortium (SiC Win) http://www.diiar.polimi.it/franz/EU-W-SAHaRA/index.htm 
Producers or distributor W-SAHarRA Consortium 
Author / Producer Type: EC Project 
EUGRIS Keyword(s): Contaminated land-->Risk assessment-->Models
Short description: The code SicWin (Stocastich IsoChrones) has been developed within the Project W-SAHaRA (Stochastic Analysis of Well-Head Protection and Risk Assessment, supported by the EU within the Fifth Framework, Key Action Water. It simulates pumping of a single well in a uniform base flow and the related spatial distribution of isochrones of an ideal solute. The well is fully penetrating a confined aquifer of given thickness and infinite extent. Aquifer hydraulic conductivity is simulated as a random constant, whose value can be drawn from either a Uniform or a Log-normal probability distribution, chosen by the user. 
Link to Project(s): W-SAHARA Stochastic analysis of well head protection and risk assessment
Submitted By: Dr Stefan Gödeke WhoDoesWhat?      Last update: 14/02/2006

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