Title: Harmoniqua Most Software 
Resource Type: software --> decision support tools 
Country: EU Projects 
Year: 2005 
Availability: Hamoniqua Consortium (2005) Harmoniqua Most Software http://harmoniqua.wau.nl/public/Product/software.htm 
Producers or distributor Harmoniqua Consortium 
Author / Producer Type: EC Project 
Web link for product information: http://harmoniqua.wau.nl/tools/login_download.html  
EUGRIS Keyword(s): Groundwater protection-->Groundwater protection overview
Short description: HarmoniQuA MoST has been developed to provide a user-friendly guidance and quality assurance framework that will contribute towards enhancing the credibility of catchment and river basin modelling. It prompts users with the appropriate ‘next step’ in the modelling process and provides an audit trial to check previous decisions. MoST has the functionality to: Guide: to ensure a model has been properly applied; Monitor: to record decisions, methods and data used in these tasks; Report: to provide reports suitable for managers/clients, modellers, auditors, stakeholders and the general public. MoST supports multi-domain studies, accommodates several user types (water managers, modellers, auditors, stakeholders and members of the public), and contains an interactive glossary that is accessible via hyperlinked text. The modelling process as defined by HarmoniQuA is central to MoST and the structure of its ‘Knowledge Base’. The modelling process has been decomposed into five ‘steps’. The five-step system is shown in the flowchart. Each step includes several tasks, activities and methods. The later steps end with a reporting task and a client review of past progress and future plans. The ‘Knowledge Base’ containing knowledge specific to 7 domains (groundwater, precipitation-runoff, river hydrodynamics, flood forecasting, water quality, ecology, and socio-economics) forms the heart of the tool. A computer based journal is produced within MoST where the water manager and modelling team record the progress and decisions made during a model study according to the tasks in the flowchart. 
Link to Project(s): HARMONIQUA Harmonising quality assurance in model based catchment and river basin management
Submitted By: Dr Stefan Gödeke WhoDoesWhat?      Last update: 14/02/2006

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