Title: SEPA Groundwater Webpages 
Resource Type: web links 
Availability: Available from the SEPA web site http://www.sepa.org.uk/groundwater/index.htm 
Producers or distributor Scottish Environmental Protection Agency 
Author / Producer Type: Agency, regulator or other governmental or inter-governmental body 
Web link for product information: http://www.sepa.org.uk/groundwater/index.htm  
EUGRIS Keyword(s): Groundwater protection-->Groundwater processes-->Groundwater processes overview
Groundwater protection-->Groundwater protection overview
Groundwater protection-->Monitoring-->Monitoring overview
Groundwater protection-->Planning-->Planning overview
Groundwater protection-->Planning-->Protective areas
Short description: Groundwater is a controlled water, and as such SEPA has a duty to protect it from pollution. This site is intended to provide a focal point for information on groundwater. 
Submitted By: Mr Bob Barnes WhoDoesWhat?      Last update: 01/04/2005

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