Title: ENGAGE - understanding stakeholder engagement 
Resource Type: web links 
Producers or distributor CIRIA 
Author / Producer Type: Non-governmental organisations 
Web link for product information: http://www.engageweb.org  
EUGRIS Keyword(s): Contaminated land-->policy and regulatory
Contaminated land-->Risk assessment-->Risk assessment overview
Contaminated land-->Wider impacts / sustainability-->Social
Short description: ENGAGE gives practical guidance on how to address the social issues associated with sustainable construction. 
Long description: ENGAGE gives practical guidance on how to address the social issues associated with sustainable construction. A password gives access to topics on understanding stakeholder engagement, specific guidance on issues such as health and well-being, supply chain, capacity building and community cohesion. The site has more than 35 case studies to demonstrate best practice and links to tools and other sources of advice. 
Link to Organisation(s): Construction Industry Research and Information Association
Submitted By: Dr Denise Lambkin WhoDoesWhat?      Last update: 27/09/2006

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