Title: Construction, Waste and Resources 
Resource Type: web links 
Producers or distributor CIRIA 
Author / Producer Type: Non-governmental organisations 
Web link for product information: http://www.ciria.org/cwr  
EUGRIS Keyword(s): Brownfields
Contaminated land-->Contaminated land overview
Contaminated land-->Remediation options-->Recycling/reuse
Short description: The Construction, Waste and Resources website is intended to encourage waste reduction and improve resource productivity in the building and civil engineering sectors. 
Long description: The Construction, Waste and Resources website is intended to encourage waste reduction and improve resource productivity in the building and civil engineering sectors. Assistance is provided on general design and construction good practice, sustainable development criteria, material optimisation, waste management procedures, model planning policies. Illustrated with case studies. 
Link to Organisation(s): Construction Industry Research and Information Association
Submitted By: Dr Denise Lambkin WhoDoesWhat?      Last update: 27/09/2006

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