Title: INTEGRA SITES - Integrated Management and Revitalisation of Contaminated Sites 
Resource Type: web links 
Language(s): English
Producers or distributor INTEGRA SITES Project Team 
Author / Producer Type: EC Project 
Web link for product information: http://www.um.katowice.pl/strony/integrasites/  
EUGRIS Keyword(s): Brownfields
Contaminated land-->Contaminated land overview
Short description: Due to structural change in many industrial countries abandoned sites have emerged where industries once flourished, leaving behind derelict land in the heart of European cities with the consequence of loss of employment, social problems and deterioration. More than 1 million brownfields are spread all over Europe. While this waste of land, often well placed for local transport and services, proceeds, investors demand new land to construct new projects. This demand of land is mostly supplied by sealing unused land in the green belts of the cities. In Germany 130 hectares are sealed daily, leading to deterioration of inner city districts and dissipation of ecologically valuable land. The revitalisation of abandoned sites which is necessary for the establishment of new industries is often impaired by investment risks such as the contamination of soils. The cities applying to this proposal have all had an industrial past, partly based on heavy industry (steel works), coal mining, textile industry, chemical/pharmaceutical industries and other industrial branches. 
Link to Project(s): INTEGRA SITES INTEGRA SITES - INTEGRAted Management and Revitalisation of Contaminated SITES
Submitted By: M Jean François Brunet WhoDoesWhat?      Last update: 26/07/2005

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