Title: |
European PRTR Homepage on Releases from Diffuse Sources
Resource Type: |
web links
Producers or distributor |
European Commission
Other producers or distributors: |
European Environment Agency
Author / Producer Type: |
Agency, regulator or other governmental or inter-governmental body
EUGRIS Keyword(s): |
Contaminated land-->maps Contaminated land-->stats, registers, inventories etc Diffuse pollution-->Monitoring Diffuse pollution-->Sources
Short description: |
The European PRTR is the European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register - the European-wide register of industrial and non-industrial releases into air, water, land and off-site transfers of waste water and waste including information from point and diffuse sources.
According to Article 8 of the European PRTR Regulation the register shall contain information on releases from diffuse sources where such information exists and has already been reported by the Member States.
This website gives you access to information on the annual releases from diffuse source sectors from all 25 EU Member States as far as data are available - mostly for the year 2003.
Long description: |
Based on the requirements of the European PRTR Regulation, information is structured into the categories air, water, land.
Data collection has been performed basically for all the 91 pollutants, as specified in Annex II to the European PRTR Regulation. However, inventory matrices has been restricted to the pollutants where data have been available.
Differentiation has been performed as far as possible for the following geographical levels:
Europe (i.e. the area covered by the 25 EU Member States)
Individual Member States
European river basins
Data have been extracted from existing EU-data bases and reports based on a common methodology.
With respect to releases to air, data could be identified and have been compiled for 10 source sectors.
With respect to releases to water data could be identified and have been compiled for 5 sources categories only.
With respect to releases to land up to now no data for releases from diffuse sources could be identified as publicly available.
In order to assure a maximum of comparability in reporting a reference approach has been used with respect to the reporting year. As reference year the year 2003 has been used where possible. In case data did not exist, reporting from previous years has been taken into account with clear specification.
Submitted By:
Professor Paul Bardos WhoDoesWhat?
Last update: 01/11/2006