Title: |
NETREGs: Contaminated land Guidance for SMEs
Resource Type: |
web links
Producers or distributor |
Environment Agency
Author / Producer Type: |
Agency, regulator or other governmental or inter-governmental body
EUGRIS Keyword(s): |
Contaminated land-->management&admin Contaminated land-->policy and regulatory
Short description: |
Contaminated land
Many sites throughout the UK have been contaminated by past activities. This contamination may present a hazard to the environment and human health.
If you cause or allow land to be contaminated, or if you own land that is contaminated, you could be responsible for the cost of cleaning it up.
In this guideline:
What is contaminated land?
Who is responsible for cleaning up contaminated land?
What do you have to do if your land is contaminated?
How can you avoid causing land contamination?
Further information on contaminated land
Submitted By:
Professor Paul Bardos WhoDoesWhat?
Last update: 31/03/2007