Title: |
Watershed Central (US EPA)
Resource Type: |
web links
Producers or distributor |
US Environmental protection Agency - US EPA
Author / Producer Type: |
Agency, regulator or other governmental or inter-governmental body
EUGRIS Keyword(s): |
Sediments Water resources and their management -->Costs, benefits and sustainability Water resources and their management -->Monitoring and mitigation Water resources and their management -->River basin management Water resources and their management -->River basins Water resources and their management -->Stresses, quality and ecological status Water resources and their management -->Water resources and their management Overview
Short description: |
Watershed Central was developed to bridge the gap between user needs
and the variety of resources offered by EPA and other groups. The result
is an interactive web-based resource that helps users locate the
information they need, including environmental data, watershed models,
guidance documents, nearby local organizations, technical resources and
funding. A unique feature of Watershed Central is the “Watershed Central
Wiki”—similar to Wikipedia—which allows registered users to submit case
studies, tools, local approaches to watershed management, lessons
learned and success stories. To ensure that user needs are met and
information is up-to-date, three teams were established—a Content Team,
a User Team and an Information Technology (IT) Team. Team members
and participants are solicited from within and outside EPA. In addition, as
a feedback mechanism, EPA has sponsored regional workshops where
participants are introduced to Watershed Central and encouraged to
collaborate on improving the information it contains. The Watershed
Central teams and other participants utilize the wiki site as a forum for
discussing and vetting information for inclusion on the Watershed Central
public web site.
Watershed Central is a cooperative development effort among EPA’s
Office of Research and Development (National Risk Management
Research Laboratory), Office of Water (Office of Wetlands, Oceans and
Watersheds), and Office of Environmental Information. This growing and
changing program is part of EPA’s ongoing commitment to the protection
of human health and the environment.
Submitted By:
Professor Paul Bardos WhoDoesWhat?
Last update: 02/07/2009