Title: |
Interim Advisory for Green Remediation
Resource Type: |
web links
Producers or distributor |
California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC)
Author / Producer Type: |
Agency, regulator or other governmental or inter-governmental body
EUGRIS Keyword(s): |
Contaminated land-->Remediation options-->In situ treatment technologies Contaminated land-->Remediation options-->MNA Contaminated land-->Remediation options-->Passive and hydraulicContainment Contaminated land-->Wider impacts / sustainability-->Environmental Contaminated land-->Wider impacts / sustainability-->Sustainable / green remediation
Short description: |
It addresses not only the environmental component of sustainability, but
also the social and economic aspects, including how considerations of
environmental justice can be factored into an analysis of green cleanup
options. This advisory is intended for project managers, responsible
parties, and environmental consultants for performing sustainability or
green remediation assessments at cleanup sites.
The advisory introduces the concepts of sustainability and life-cycle
thinking and shows how these concepts can be incorporated into any stage
of a cleanup project, including site characterization, treatment
alternative selection, remedial design implementation, long-term
monitoring, operation and maintenance, and closure. This advisory also
presents a simple tool, the green remediation evaluation matrix (GREM).
The GREM can be used to perform qualitative comparisons of treatment
alternatives. Other tools that can be used for calculating green house
gas emissions and energy consumption are referenced.
Because this field is rapidly evolving, the advisory will be updated
periodically and will include state-of-the-art quantitative and
qualitative assessment techniques.
Submitted By:
Professor Paul Bardos WhoDoesWhat?
Last update: 18/12/2009