Title: Opens Access to Chemical Information through ToxRefDB 
Resource Type: web links 
Producers or distributor US Environmental protection Agency 
Author / Producer Type: Agency, regulator or other governmental or inter-governmental body 
Web link for product information: http://actor.epa.gov/toxrefdb  
EUGRIS Keyword(s): Contaminated land-->Contaminants-->BTEX
Contaminated land-->Contaminants-->Chlorinated aliphatics
Contaminated land-->Contaminants-->Contaminants overview
Contaminated land-->Contaminants-->Heavy metals
Contaminated land-->Contaminants-->MTBE
Contaminated land-->Contaminants-->Nitroaromatics
Contaminated land-->Contaminants-->Others
Contaminated land-->Contaminants-->PAH
Contaminated land-->Risk assessment-->Toxicological information
Diffuse pollution-->Contaminants-->Contaminants overview
Short description: EPA is releasing a database, called ToxRefDB, which allows scientists and the interested public to search and download thousands of toxicity testing results on hundreds of chemicals. ToxRefDB captures 30 years and $2 billion of testing results. ToxRefDB provides detailed chemical toxicity data in an accessible format. It is a part of ACToR (Aggregated Computational Toxicology Resource), an online data warehouse that collects data from about 500 public sources on tens of thousands of environmentally relevant chemicals, including several hundred in ToxRefDB. Those interested in chemical toxicity can query a specific chemical and find all available public hazard, exposure, and risk-assessment data, as well as previously unpublished studies related to cancer, reproductive, and developmental toxicity. ToxRefDB contains toxicity information that forms the basis for pesticide risk assessments when combined with other sources of information, such as those on exposure and metabolism. 
Submitted By: Professor Paul Bardos WhoDoesWhat?      Last update: 02/05/2010

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