Title: Abwasserverordnung (AbwV) - Waste Water Ordinance 
Resource Type: document --> policy documents 
Country: Germany 
Year: 2004 
Availability: German Version: Verordnung über Anforderungen an das Einleiten von Abwasser in Gewässer, Ausfertigungsdatum: 21. März 1997 Verkündungsfundstelle: BGBl I 1997, 566 Sachgebiet: FNA 753-1-5 Stand: Stand: Neugefasst durch Bek. v. 17. 6.2004 I 1108, 2625 
Author 1/Producer: Federal Republic of Germany 
Author / Producer Type: Agency, regulator or other governmental or inter-governmental body 
Report / download web link (=direct link): http://bundesrecht.juris.de/bundesrecht/abwv/index.html  
EUGRIS Keyword(s): Contaminated land-->Contaminated land overview
Contaminated land-->policy and regulatory
Groundwater protection-->Groundwater protection overview
Soil-->Soil Overview
Water resources and their management -->Water resources and their management Overview
Long description: Waste Water Ordinance According to the Federal Water Act in most cases the use of waters has to be licensed by state authorities. Especially uses which might contaminate the waters with substances constituting a hazard to water are included. The discharge of waste water into a water body therefore needs an official permit. This permit may only be granted if the pollutant load of the waste water in question is kept as low as is possible through application of appropriate procedures using the best available technology (§ 7a Federal Water Act). This means that someone who wants to discharge waste water is forced to reach a certain quality status for this waste water by technical treatment procedures before it can be discharged into waters or mixed with other waste water. 
Submitted By: Maike Hauschild WhoDoesWhat?      Last update: 18/11/2004

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