Title: Assessment of toxic and genotoxic effects of N-heterocyclic polyaromatic hydrocarbons with miniaturized in vitro screening bioassays 
Resource Type: document --> technical publication --> proceedings / conference paper(s) 
Country: EU Projects 
Year of publication: 2003 
Availability: Škarek, M. et al. (2003) Assessment of toxic and genotoxic effects of N-heterocyclic polyaromatic hydrocarbons with miniaturized in vitro screening bioassays. Persistent Toxic Substances Contamination of the European Region as a reflection of results of the GEF/UNEP Regional Based Assessment of Persistent Toxic Substances (RBA PTS) in Europe, the implementation of the Stockholm Convention and 'Community Strategy for Dioxins, Furans and PCBs 
Author 1/Producer: Škarek, M. 
Other Authors/Producers: Èupr, P., Réblová, K., Damborský, J., Maršálek, B., Holoubek, I. 
Author / Producer Type: EC Project 
Report / download web link (=direct link): http://www.recetox.muni.cz/coe/sources/workshop_1_rba_pts/VI ...  
EUGRIS Keyword(s): Diffuse pollution-->Diffuse pollution overview
Short description: While homocyclic polyaromatic hydrocarbons (homocyclic PAHs) including their oxy-, hydroxy-, chloro- and nitro-derivates have been of a major concern since 1970s, N-, O-, S-heterocyclic PAHs have been studied for several late years. A little interest in these heterocyclic compounds was probably caused by their low concentrations in the environment where they are at levels one or two orders lower than those of their homocyclic analogues [1]. However the first studies focused on biological effects and toxicity of heterocyclic PAHs together with determined environmental concentrations, in soil, sediments, water and air, have started discussions on their possible human health risks as well as ecological risks [2]. The most studied group of these “new environmental pollutants” are N-heterocyclic PAHs. 
Link to Project(s): RECETOX Centre of Excellence in Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology
Submitted By: Dr Stefan Gödeke WhoDoesWhat?      Last update: 14/02/2006

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