Title: Breaking Ecotoxicological Restraints in Spatial Planning (BERISP) 
Resource Type: software --> decision support tools 
Country: Netherlands 
Year: 2008 
Availability: Downloadable decision support tool available on line 
Producers or distributor Nico van den Brink, Alterra, Wageningen UR 
Author / Producer Type: University research group / research institute 
Web link for product information: http://www.berisp.org/  
EUGRIS Keyword(s): Contaminated land-->Risk assessment-->Receptor: Ecological
Contaminated land-->Risk assessment-->Tools and procedures
Diffuse pollution-->Diffuse pollution overview
Short description: BERISP aims at the development of new approaches to problems in spatial planning associated with soil contamination. North-Western Europe, with its high population density, faces increasing demands for open natural space. Many local authorities however, are currently confronted with problems regarding site development and soil pollution in for instance river floodplains and brownfields. The main objective of BERISP is the development of a Decision Support System (DSS), which will allow an iterative procedure in spatial planning processes, in which planner can review different types of landscape uses and habitat distribution against scientific knowledge on risks of pollutants for organisms. 
Submitted By: Professor Paul Bardos WhoDoesWhat?      Last update: 12/11/2008

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