Financial support from the EC: Financial instrument for the environment - LIFE-Environment
Funding Organisation: Financer:EC - LIFE Environment. Partners/Cofinancers: Municipality Ormoz, Slovenia; University of Ljubljana, Faculty for Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Slovenia
Country of origin: Slovenia
What type of research is funded? Demonstration
Projects based on defined research needs (programme driven) or an open call (demand driven)? Demand Driven
Total budget:  0.6 Million EUROs
Funding rate by programme:  %
Programme start year: 2003
Duration of programme: on going
Programme open for funding of international participation:  No
Programme has ongoing or terminated international projects:  No
Contaminated land-->Contaminants-->Others
Contaminated land-->Remediation options-->In situ treatment technologies
Contaminated land, Contaminants, Others Contaminated land, Remediation options, In situ treatment technologies 
Long Description: 
The Life Environment project »The Sustainable Rehabilitation of Landfill Site« has been established on the municipal solid waste landfill site in Ormoz, 
Slovenia. The technology comprises leachate treatment and recycling on vegetated landfill cover to achieve landfill stabilisation and easier public acceptance
of reclaimed site. The aim is the reduction of landfill impact on the environment with the closed hydrological and pollution cycle within the landfill site.
Rehabilitation was composed of temporary excavation and transposition of old wastes, drainage of underground water, sealing of the landfill bottom, collection
and drainage of leachate water, refilling with old and new wastes, compaction of wastes, surface sealing of wastes with surface water and landfill gasses drainage,
establishment of final evapotranspirative cap barrier with planting of trees, and installation of irrigation system for the reuse of treated leachate for
the growth of the trees. As the first step of all the rehabilitation work on the landfill site, a constructed wetland has been constructed for treatment of leachate
to immediately stop the direct pollution of nearby stream and agricultural land.

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