NIEA - Northern Ireland Environment Agency
United Kingdom
Organisation: NIEA Northern Ireland Environment Agency
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Contact / stakeholder type(s)
Agency, regulator or other governmental or inter-governmental body
Contaminated land-->Contaminated land overview
Diffuse pollution-->Diffuse pollution overview
Groundwater protection-->Groundwater protection overview
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Organisation Outline:
The Northern Ireland Environment Agency(NIEA) is the largest Agency within the Department of the Environment with approximately 700 staff.   
NIEA takes the lead in advising on, and in implementing, the Government's environmental policy and strategy in Northern Ireland. The Agency carries out 
a range of activities, which promote the Government's key themes of sustainable development, biodiversity and climate change. Our overall aims are to protect
and conserve Northern Ireland's natural heritage and built environment, to control pollution and to promote the wider appreciation of the environment and
best environmental practices. Our work is a diverse and integrated network that draws on the many different scientific and professional skills and expertise of our staff. This variety
of skills base and experience allows us to manage and protect our landscapes and their wildlife, to record and conserve historic monuments and to maintain a
cleaner and greener environment. While many of our staff join the service with technical and professional qualifications our commitment is to actively encourage
and promote their further training and development. This has been recognised externally through our accreditation as an Investors in People organisation.
Areas of interest are: water, waste, biodiversity, landscape, air & climate, pollution, built environment