INCA Integrated Nitrogen Model for European Catchments

Country: EU Projects
Start Date:   31/3/2000         Duration: 36 months         Project Type: RTD
Contract Number: EVK1-CT-1999-00011
Organisation Type:  EC Project
Diffuse pollution-->Sources
Groundwater protection-->Groundwater protection overview
Soil-->Soil Overview
Water and sanitation-->Water and sanitation Overview
Water resources and their management -->Water resources and their management Overview
Project objectives:
The specific objectives of the project are:    
  To establish hydrological and water quality databases for a range of key European ecosystems;     
  To apply the process-based dynamic model, INCA, to these selected catchments across Europe;     
  To establish nitrogen budgets in the catchments and compute fluxes of nitrogen on a daily, seasonal and annual basis both for the plant/soil system and in 
stream; To establish nitrogen budgets in the catchments and compute fluxes of nitrogen on a daily, seasonal and annual basis both for the plant/soil system and in
stream; To modify the model process equations as necessary to ensure a generic model applicable to a wide range of ecosystems and catchments; To use the model to assess the impacts of land use change, climatic change, atmospheric deposition change and agricultural change in the selected catchments;
To compute fluxes of nitrous oxide gas release from catchments, riparian zones, wetlands and stream beds; To investigate model parameter and structural uncertainty and scale-up from the plot scale to the small catchment scale and through to the large catchment
scale; To add an economic component to INCA to assess costs and benefits of nitrogen controls in European catchments; To create an easy to use Windows version of INCA with high quality graphics for management and scientific use; To make INCA available to the European Environment Agency, National Environment Agencies, the Water Industry and other interested parties; To publish the findings in referenced international journals and produce material such as glossy brochures for wider distribution to the general public.
Project Summary:
A new proposed based model of plant/soil system and instream N dyanamics, INCA will be applied to river systems throughout Europe. The model application is 
needed to assess the impacts of catchment N inputs on water quality. The output will provide an assessment of the sources and sinks of N within key. European ecosystems
and provide estimates of the likely impacts of N deposition, land use and climate change on the fluxes of N, both within the plant/soil system and the river network.
These results will be achieved by the creation of extensive databases describing the hydrology and N dyanamics of the study areas and the creation of a generic
version of the model. The model results will be used to assess the costs and benefits of N controls in Europe. The proposal addresses the problem of providing
high quality water in Europe by an improved understanding of river system functioning and the development of a management tool. Strategic planning and integrated
management methodologies and tools at catchment/river basin scale
Achieved Objectives:
The INCA project is based on the INCA (Integrated Nitrogen in Catchments) model, a processed based representation of plant/soil system and instream nitrogen 
dynamics. The INCA project aims to use the model to assess the nitrogen dynamics in key European ecosystems. The work involved the investigation of the likely impacts of environmental change on streamwater N concentrations and loads, both in the individual ecosystems
and at the pan European scale.
Product Descriptions:
The INCA project is based on the INCA (Integrated Nitrogen in Catchments) model, a processed based representation of plant/soil system and instream nitrogen 
dynamics. The INCA project aims to use the model to assess the nitrogen dynamics in key European ecosystems. Available Products: Inca Modelling Sofware
Additional Information:

Project Resources:

Inca Modelling Software
Funding Programme(s): 
EC Framework Programme 5
Link to Organisations:
Submitted by: EUGRIS Team Prof Paul Bardos  Who does what?  03/07/2003 17:48:00
Updated by: EUGRIS Team Professor Paul Bardos  Who does what?  03/10/2006 11:54:00