AQUADAPT Strategic tools to support adaptive, integrated water resource management under changing utilisation conditions at catchment level: A co-evolutionary approach

Country: EU Projects
Start Date:           Duration: 42 months         Project Type: RTD
Contract Number: EVK1-CT-2001-00104
Organisation Type:  EC Project
Water and sanitation-->Water supply
Water resources and their management -->Costs, benefits and sustainability
Water resources and their management -->Monitoring and mitigation
Water resources and their management -->River basin management
Water resources and their management -->River basins
Water resources and their management -->Stresses, quality and ecological status
Water resources and their management -->Water resources and their management Overview
Project objectives:
The overall aim of AQUADAPT is to generate knowledge which supports the strategic planning and management of water resources in semi-arid environments at 
catchment level under changing supply / demand patterns and water utilisation conditions. Our intellectual framework reflects recent thinking on the co-evolution
of natural resources and human societies. Practical deliverables at the project level will focus on the characterisation of indicators suitable for understanding
and monitoring co-evolutionary dynamics. Our investigation tool is a multi-thematic work-programme, executed by a Europe wide multi-disciplinary research
team. Specific objectives include: (a) develop a pre-project strategic assessment tool to support the planning and management of water utilisation under changing
water supply / demand patterns at catchment level, (b) expose variations in the determinants of personal, household, and community water use under differing
water availability conditions, (c) investigate the options and barriers to adaptive water resource governance structures, (d) assess the relationships
between changing rainfall patterns, land use patterns, hydrological balances, agricultural potential, and environmental integrity, (e) generate an historical
perspective on the co-evolutionary relationships between societies, their activities, and water availability / use, (f) collate and advance complimentary
theories in the fields of knowledge representation, knowledge transfer, sustainability, water system sensitivity, and policy development.
Project Summary:
The AQUADAPT project will generate knowledge and tools to support strategic water resource planning in semi-arid contexts with an emphasis on the co-ordination 
of planning with other aspects of environmental, land use, and socio-economic development. The project is characterised by a co-evolutionary perspective,
the application of a cross-disciplinary enquiry framework, and emphasis on practical outputs, informed by end-users. Research will characterise co-evolutionary
trajectories and identify robust configurations of technologies, policies and distribution arrangements. Actions focus on an analysis of the spatial and
temporal relationships between climate change, land use, governance arrangements, human behaviour, water quality/quantity, and environmental integrity.
Output supports decision-making and stakeholder participation in water resource planning and management. The consortium combines contributions from
theoretical and empirical research, industry and potential end-users.
Achieved Objectives:

Product Descriptions:

Additional Information:

Project Resources:

Spatial and temporal patterns of Large-scale droughts between 1951 and 2000 in the Valencia region (east Spain)

The AQUADAPT project.

Successes and problems when conducting interdisciplinary or transdisciplinary (= integrative) research

Le développement des forages individuels : une conséquence de la hausse du prix de l eau potable

Simulating the impact of water pricing on households behaviour: the temptation of using untreated groundwater

Societal responses to water conservation policy instruments: a literature review and some comments on emerging theory

SCAPT- a support tool for utility-oriented strategic river basin planning

From Rock Desert to Forest - an Example from Kras

Reconstrucción, estabilidad y proceso de homogeneización de series de precipitación en ambientes de elevada variabilidad pluvial

Critical Water Requirements Analysis - Deliverable (D9).

Secondary succession of semi-arid Mediterranean old-fields in south-eastern Spain: insights for conservation and restoration of degraded lands.

Knowledge Transfer Discussion paper prepared for The AQUADAPT workshop, Montpellier October 25th-27th 2002

Sustainable Development: Some Starting Points Discussion paper prepared for The AQUADAPT workshop, Montpellier October 25th-27th 2002

Some Imaginary, Deterministic, and Non-Deterministic Perceptions for Understanding the Reality of Water Governance Structures

Land-Use Modelling for SCAPT: A reader.

Simulating the impact of water pricing on household behaviour: The temptation of using untreated groundwater.

Reconstrucción, estabilidad y proceso de homogeneizado de series de precipitación en ambientes de elevada variabilidad pluvial

Reconstruccion de registros pluviales y creacion de una base de datos mensuales en la vertiente mediterranea Espanola

Spatial distribution of NAO and Polar teleconnection patterns in the east of Iberian Peninsula: a climate ecotone

Reconstrucción de registros pluviales y creación de una base de datos mensuales en la vertiente mediterránea española.

SCAPT scoping report. - Deliverable (D6).

Le développement des forages individuels : une conséquence de la hausse du prix de l’eau potable ?

Legitimacy and efficiency of water governance regimes; an emerging agenda to support policy tool development.

Societal responses to water conservation policy instruments: a literature review and some comments on emerging theory.

Landscape Sensitivity, Resilience and Sustainable Watershed Management: A Co-evolutionary Perspective

Science as Knowledge Construction

Co-evolution as a conceptual model in the search for sustainable modes of water management

Variaciones estacionales de la precipitación en la costa Este peninsular durante la década de los años noventa

Socio-cultural determinants of water utilisation: Hérault river basin case study (France)

Variaciones estacionales de la precipitation en la costa este peninsular durante la decada de los años noventa

Knowledge Representation for Socio- Natural Research

Re-visiting Montpellier: The utility of crossdisciplinary conceptualisations.

Why Integrative Research is like Herding Weasels
Funding Programme(s): 
EC Framework Programme 5
Link to Organisations:
Submitted by: EUGRIS Team Dr Stefan Gödeke  Who does what?  09/03/2005 09:41:00
Updated by: EUGRIS Team Professor Paul Bardos  Who does what?  28/09/2006 21:36:00