Project objectives:
Sewer systems constitute a very significant patrimony in European cities. Their structural quality and functional efficiency are key parameters to guarantee the transfer of domestic and trade wastewater to treatment plants without infiltration or exfiltration. Infiltration of groundwater is particularly detrimental to treatment plant efficiency, while exfiltration of wastewater can lead to groundwater contamination. Both problems are critical on a long term basis for sustainable urban water management. This resarch project, associating universities, SMEs and municipalities in 7 European countries, will develop new methods and techniques to assess and quantify infiltration and exfiltration in sewer systems. The methods will be tested and validated in different sewer systems, from local to the whole catchment scale. Associated models and tools will be proposed for scaling up and for application and end-user decision support.
In order to evaluate the performance of USS, public and private operators need appropriate methods and techniques. This research project, associating universities, SMEs and municipalities in 7 European countries, will develop new methods and techniques based on tracers (chemicals and/or natural radio-isotopes) to assess and quantify infiltration and exfiltration in sewer systems, at different space scales (from the single pipe to the whole catchment) and under different conditions (steady and dynamic groundwater levels, seasonal effects). The methods will be tested and validated in different catchments chosen in the associated cities, under various conditions. Associated models (based on conceptual approaches for both steady and dynamic groundwater conditions) and tools (GIS and data management software) will be proposed for scaling up and for application and end-user decision support.
Complementary objectives consist to develop decision supports to help end users to assess the performance of their sewer systems and to choose investment strategies accounting for economic value and necessary data