AQUATERRA Integrated modelling of the river-sediment-soil-groundwater system; advanced tools for the management of catchment areas and river basins in the context of global change

Country: EU Projects
Start Date:   1/6/2004         Duration: 60 months         Project Type: RTD
Contract Number: 505428 (GOCE)
Organisation Type:  EC Project
Contaminated land-->Contaminants-->Contaminants overview
Contaminated land-->Contaminants-->Heavy metals
Contaminated land-->Soil and groundwater processes-->Contaminant hydrology
Contaminated land-->Soil and groundwater processes-->Hydrogeology
Contaminated land-->Soil and groundwater processes-->Microbiology
Contaminated land-->Soil and groundwater processes-->Soil and groundwater processes overview
Contaminated land-->Wider impacts / sustainability-->Economic
Contaminated land-->Wider impacts / sustainability-->Environmental
Diffuse pollution-->Diffuse pollution overview
Groundwater protection-->Groundwater processes-->Groundwater processes overview
Groundwater protection-->Groundwater protection overview
Soil-->Soil Overview
Water and sanitation-->Water and sanitation Overview
Project objectives:
The objectives of Aquaterra are:     
To provide better understanding of the river-sediment-soil-groundwater      
system at various temporal and spatial scales.To provide the scientific basis for improved river basin management. To develop specific tools for water 
and soil quality monitoring. To develop integrated modelling for impact evaluation of pollutionaswell as climate and land-use changes for definition of long-termmanagement schemes. These objectives will be achieved through 10 sub-projects with BASIN investigating selected sites in five contrasting European river basins (Brévilles,
Ebro, Meuse, Elbe and Danube). This sub-project concentrates on soil–groundwater–river as well as floodplain–sediment–river interactions. Building
on this, BIOGEOCHEM investigates soil-filter and transport functions, the fate of pollutants in soils and sediments in order to determine impacts on water
quality. This work combines with FLUX that investigates transport and turnover of inorganic and organic solids and solutes in order to evaluate effects of changes
in land use. It is also linked to HYDRO that investigates impacts of climate change on the water cycle through water balance and quality parameters. A further
sub-project, TREND, will yield improved understanding in soil and water quality trends by extrapolating from the past to the future and by recognising adverse
trends. In collaboration with the above modules, MONITOR will develop and validate new analytical techniques by focussing on emerging compounds such as pharmaceuticals
and pesticides in the environment and by providing new protocols for non-regulated pollutants. Results from the above sub projects will be used in COMPUTE to model fate and transport of pollutants at different scales. EUPOL and INTEGRATOR disseminate
results to be used in future environmental EU policies andintegrate the results of the various AquaTerra sub-projects. Finally, KNOWMAN disseminates results
to scientific and stakeholder communities through workshops, seminars, publishing activities and summer schools. In this manner, AquaTerra will meet the challenge of integrated modelling of the river-sediment-soil-groundwater system and will offer advanced tools
for the management of catchment areas and river basins in the context of global change.
Project Summary:
As one of the first environmental Integrated Projects in the EU Framework Programme 6, ‘AquaTerra’ is active since the 1st of June 2004 for a time period of 5 years. 
It has 45 partner organisations in 12 EUcountries as well as in Romania, Switzerland and Serbia and hosts university partners, small to medium enterprises
and environmental protection agencies.
Achieved Objectives:

Product Descriptions:

Additional Information:
Project Resources:

Probabilistic dynamics of soil nitrate: the coupling of eco-hydrological and biogeochemical processes.

Interaction between different water bodies in a small catchment in the Paris basin (Brevilles, France): Tracing of multiple Sr sources through Sr isotopes coupled with Mg/Sr and Ca/Sr ratios.

RainSim: A spatial temporal stochastic rainfall modelling system.

Removal of emerging contaminants in Wastewater treatment: Conventional Activated Sludge Treatment.

Field calibration of Polyurethane foam disk passive air samplers for PCBs and OC pesticides.

How to measure uncertainties in environmental risk assessment.

Tenax (R) extraction as a tool to evaluate the availability of polybrominated diphenyl ethers DDT, and DDT metabolites in sediments.

Evaluation of the aquatic passive sampler Chemcatcher for the monitoring of highly hydrophobic compounds.

Bioavailability and biodegradation of nonylphenol in sediment determined with chemical and bioanalysis.

Acetochlor mineralization and fate of its two major metabolites in two soils under laboratory conditions.

Effect of sewage sludges contaminated with polybrominated diphenylethers on agricultural soils.

Identification and trace level determination of brominated flame retardants by liquid chromatography/quadrupole linear ion trap mass spectrometry.

Long-term transfer of diffuse pollution at catchment scale: Respective roles of soil, and the unsaturated and saturated zones

Uptake anxd storage of PCBs by plant cuticles.

Patterns of vegetation biodiversity: The roles of dispersal directionality and river network structure.

Neutral metacommunity models predict fish diversity patterns in Mississippi-Missouri basin.

Signatures of vegetational functional diversity in river basins.

Towards sustainable sediment management at the river basin Scale.

Multidimensional autoregressive processes for assessing and predicting trends in water quality.

Fully automated determination in the low nanogram per liter level of different classes of drugs of abuse in sewage water by on-line solid-phase extraction-liquid chromatography-electrospray-tandem mass spectrometry.

A new tracer technique for monitoring groundwater fluxes: The Finite Volume Point Dilution Method.

Distribution and biological impact of dioxin-like compounds in risk zones along the Ebro River basin (Spain).

How streambed temperatures can contribute to the determination of aquifer heterogeneity.

Numerical analysis of coupled hydrosystems based on an object-oriented compartement approach.

How fast can a river flow over alluvium?

Integrated Modelling of the river-sediment-soil-groundwater system; advanced tools for the management of catchment areas and river basins in the context of global change

Advanced Tools and Models to Improve River Basin Management in Europe in the Context of Global Change

Catchment scale solute transport in the hydrologic response: a tracer study.

Hydrodynamic and geochemical constraints on pesticide concentrations in the groundwater of an agricultural catchment (Brevilles, France).

Spatial and temporal variability of sediment deposition on artifial-lawn traps in a floodplain of the River Elbe.

Effects of spatial and temporal variation in metal availability on earthworms in floodplain soils of the river Dommel, The Netherlands.

Future climate scenarios and rainfall-runoff modelling in the upper Gallego catchment (Spain).

Geochemical fractions of copper in soil chronosequences of selected European floodplains.

Development of a regional hydrologic soil model and application to the Beerze-Reusel drainage basin.

Evidence for in situ degradation of mono and polyaromatic hydrocarbons in alluvial sediments based on microcosm experiments with 13C-labeled contaminants.

Demonstrating trend reversal of groundwater quality in relation to time of recharge determined by 3H/3He.

Deposition, persistence and turnover of pollutants: First results from the EU project AquaTerra for selected river basins and aquifers.

Changes in drought frequency, severity and duration for British Isles projected by the PRUDENCE regional climate models.

Changes in European drought characteristics projected by the PRUDENCE regional climate models.

Algorithmic funnel-and-gate system design optimization.

Probabilistic structure of the distance between tributaries of given size in river networks.

Spontaneous tidal network formation within a constructed salt marsh: Observations and morphodynamic modelling.

Linking climate change modelling to impact studies: recent advances in downscaling techniques for hydrological modelling.

Estimating change in extreme European precipitation using a multimodel ensemble.

The integrated project AquaTerra of the EU sixth framework lays foundations for better inderstanding of river-sediment-soil-groundwater systems.

Conceptual models in river basin management.

Analysis of 17 polar to semi-polar pesticides in the Ebro River delta during the main growing season of rice by automated on-line solid-phase extraction-liquid chromatography-tandem spectrometry.

Measurements and modelling of diel variability of polybrominated diphenyl ethers and chlordanes in air.

Influence of hydropower dams on the composition of the suspended and riverbank sediments in the Danube.

Geochemical and isotopic constraints on groundwater-surface water interactions in a highly anthropized site. The Wolfen/Bitterfeld megasite (Mulde subcatchment, Germany).

Effects of flow regime and flooding on heavy metal availability in sediment and soil of a dynamic river system.

The groundwater contribution to surface water contamination in a region with intensive agricultural land use (Noord-Brabant, The Netherlands).

Microbial processes as key drivers for metal (im)mobilization along a redox gradient in the saturated zone.

BIOCHEM-ORCHESTRA: A tool for evaluating chemical speciation and ecotoxicological impacts of heavy metals on river flood plain systems.

Combined use of biomarkers and in sity bioassays in Daphnia magna to monitor environmental hazards of pesticides in the field.

Water fluxes and their control on the terrestial carbon balance: Results from a stable isotope study on the Clyde Watershed (Scotland).

Signatures of large-scale soil moisture dynamics on streamflow statistics across US climate regimes.

Basin-scale soil moisture dynamics and the probabilistic characterization of carrier hydrologic flows: Slow, leaching-prone components of the hydrologic response.

Spatial and temporal variation of DDT and its metabolites in fish and sediment from Cinca River, a tributary of Ebro River (Spain)

Absorption or Adsorption? Insights from molecular probes n-alkanes and cycloalkanes into modes of sorption by environmental solid matrices.

Indications for pedogenic formation of perylene in terrestrial soil:First results from stable carbon isotope ratios.

Indications for pedogenic formation of perylene in a terrestrial soil profile: Depth distribution and first results from stable carbon isotope ratios.

Accumulation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in rural soils based on mass balances at the catchment scale.

Validation of a passive atmospheric deposition sampler for polybrominated diphenyl ethers.

Determination of mercury in sediment and fish samples from Ebro River (Spain).

Assessment of priority pesticides, degradation products and pesticide adjuvants in grounwaters and top soils from agricultural areas of the Ebro River basin.

Transferring Scientific knowledge to societal use: Clue from the AQUATERRA integrated project.

Monitoring and modelling of the solid-solution partitioning of metals and As in a river floodplain redox sequence.

From sediment to soil: floodplain phosphorus transformations at the Danube River.

Introduction to Aquaterra special issue Aquaterra : Pollutant behaviour in the soil, sediment, ground and surface water system.

Seasonal variation of sediment toxicity in the Rivers Dommel and Elbe.

Effect of temperature, gas phase composition, pH and microbial activity on As, Zn, Pb and Cd mobility in selected soils in the Ebro and Meuse basins in the context of global change.

Long-term atmospheric bulk deposition of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PHAs) in rural areas of Southern Germany.

Enantioselective degradation of organochlorine pesticides in background soils: Variability in field and laboratory studies.

Congener distribution of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in feral carp (Cyprinus carpio) from the Llobregat River, Spain.

Sorption of heavy metals on organic and inorganic soil constituents.

On biodiversity in river networks: A trade-off metapopulation model and comparative analysis.

Effects of river flow scaling properties on riparian width and vegetation biomass.

A neutral metapopulation model of biodiversity in river networks.

New methodology to investigate potential contaminant mass fluxes at the stream-aquifer interface by combining integral pumping tests and streambed temperatures.

Challenges of linking scientific knowledge to river basin management policy: Aquaterra as a case study.

Identification of groundwater quality trends in a chalk aquifer threatened by intensive agriculture in Belgium.

Scaling in ecosystems and the linkage of macroecological laws.

Monitoring and assessment of river pollutants.

Decabrominated diphenyl ether in river fish and sediment samples collected downstream an industrial park.

Investigating the amount of zeroing in modern sediments of River Danube, Austria.

Long-term fluxes of dissolved and suspended matter in the Ebro River basin (Spain).

Determination of two phototransformation products of bentazone using quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry.

LC-based analysis of drugs of abuse and their metabolites in urine.

Evolutionary relationships and diversity surveys of aoxB genes in aerobic arsenite-oxidizing bacteria.

Environmental Monitoring by gene expression biomarkers in Barbus graellsii: Laboratory and field studies.

River networks and ecological corridors: Reactive transport on fractals, migration fronts, hydrochory.

Landscape evolution in tidal embayments: Modelling the interplay of erosion, sedimentation and vegetation dynamics.

Biologically-controlled multiple equilibria of tidal landforms and the fate of the Venice lagoon.

Evaluation and field-scale appication of an analytical method to quantify groundwater discharge using mapped streambed temperatures.

Use of chemometric and geostatistical methods to evaluate pesticide pollution in the irrigation and drainage channels of the Ebro River delta during the rice-growing season.

Dating degassed groundwater with H-3/He-3.

Can conductivity and stable isotope tracers determine water sources during flooding? An example from the Elbe River in 2002.

Das integrierte EU-projekt AquaTerra erreicht sein zweites projektjahr (The integrated EU-project AquaTerra reaches its second project year).

Wastewater treatment plants as a pathway for aquatic contamination by pharmaceuticals in the Ebro River basin (northeast Spain).

Retention of copper, cadmium and zinc in soil and its textural fractions influenced by long-term field management.

A noninvasive test of exposition to toxicant: Quantitative analysis of cytochrome P4501A expression in fish scales.

Distribution and speciation of arsenic around roots in a contaminated riparian floodplain soil: Micro-XRF element mapping and EXAFS spectroscopy.

Dual-continuum analysis of a cadmium tracer field experiment.

Impact of watershed geomorphic characterisitics on the energy and water budgets.

Behaviour of toxic elements in agricultural and industrial vadose zone soils of three Ebro and Meuse river basin areas in the context of global climate change.

Chemometrical investigation of the presence and distribution of organochlorine and polyaromatic compounds in sediments of the Ebro River basin.

Trees, networks and hydrology.

Transport at basin scales: 1. Theoretical framework.

Transport at basin scales: 2. Applications.

Controls on atrazine leaching through a soil unsaturated fractured limestone sequence at Brevilles, France.

A stochastic model of nitrate transport and cycling at basin scale.

Modelling the migration of contaminants through variably saturated dual-porosity, dual-permeability chalk.

Analysis of soil water response to grass transpiration.

Transport of cadmium in macroporous soil during heavy rainstorm.

Measuring methods for groundwater-surface water interactions: a review.

A compartment approach for hydrosystem analysis based on object-oriented principles.

Pilot survey of a broad range of priority pollutants in sediment and fish from the Ebro River basin (NE Spain).

Pesticides in the groundwater of a spring draining a sandy aquifer: temporal variability of concentrations and fluxes.

Clues from strontium, neodymium and rare earth elements in soil and waters.

Automated trace determination of earthy-musty odorous compounds in water samples by online purge-and-trap-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry.

Identification and distribution of contamination sources in the Ebro River basin by chemometrics modelling coupled to geographical information systems.

Future trends in transport and fate of diffuse contaminants in catchments, with special emphasis on stable isotope applications.

Quantitative analysis of polychlorinated n-alkanes in environmental samples.

Adjoint-based acoustic inversion for the physical characterization of a shallow water environment.

Sampling of water, soil and sediment to trace organic pollutants in a river basin scale.

Response of the sorption behaviour of Cu, Cd and Zn to different soil management.

Analysis, synthesis and modelling of high-resolution observations of salt-marsh eco-geomorphological patterns in the Venice lagoon.

An analytic multiple frequency adjoint-based inversion algorithm for parabolic-type approximations in ocean acoustics.

Analysis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in pine needles by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry comparison of different extraction and clean-up procedures.

A distributed hydrological model with coupled water and energy budgets.

Introduction to special issues on rain, rivers and turbulence: A view from hydrology.

Sorption of HOC in soils with carbonaceous contamination: Influence of organic-matter composition.

Tidal network ontogeny: Channel initiation and early development.

Development and application of a CAD interface for fractured rock.

Characterization of spatial heterogeneity of groundwater-stream water interactions using multiple depth streambed temperature measurements at the reach scale.

Dynamic modelling of food-chain accumulation of brominated flame retardants in fish from the Ebro River basin, Spain.

AquaTerra, a new integrated project in FP6: Active since June 2004.

Optimal nonlocal boundary control of the wide-angle parabolic equation for inversion of a waveguide acoustic field.

Nonpoint source transport models from empiricism to coherent theoretical frameworks.

Root-zone modelling of heavy metal uptake and leaching in the presence of organic ligands.

The GEOTOP snow module.

Distribution of cadmium among geochemical fractions in floodplain soils of progressing development.

Selected groundwater studies of EU project AquaTerra leading to large-scale basin considerations.

Analysing the preferential transport of lead in a road-side soil using lysimeter experiments and a dual-porosity model.

Numerical studies of soil moisture distributions in heterogeneous catchments.

AquaTerra, ein neues integriertes projekt im sechsten europaischen forschungsrahmenprogramm.

3-D numerical evaluation of density effects on tracer tests.

Plant-specific responses to zinc contamination in a semi-field lysimeter and on hydroponics.

On the Lagrangian formulations of reactive solute transport in the hydrologic response.

A GIS based 3-D hydrosystem model of the Zarqa Ma in-Jiza areas in central Jordan.

Occurrence of polybrominated diphenylethers, polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, dibenzofurans and biphenyls in coastal sediments from Spain.

Brominated flame retardants in Alburnus from Cinca River basin (Spain).

A geomorphic study of lagoonal landforms.

Geoacoustic characterisation of fine-grained sediments using single and multiple reflection data.

Occurrence and bioavailability of polybrominated diphenyl ethers and hexabromocyclododecane in sediment and fish from the Cinca River, a tributary of the Ebro River (Spain).

A process-orientated approach to compute multifield problems in porous media.

Identification of groundwater quality trends in a chalk aquifer threatened by intensive agriculture in Belgium.

Probabilistic characterization of base flows in river basins: roles of soil, vegetation and geomorphology.

Il bilancio Idrologico del lago di Tovel.

Monitoring and managing river pollutants.

Time trends of atmospheric PBDEs inferred from archived UK herbage

Resilience and water management: a literature review.

Challenges of linking scientific knowledge to river basin management policy: AquaTerra as a case study.

Aquaterra Factsheet: KD functions to define relation between inorganic pollutant mobility (soil to water), the main biogeochemical characteristics of soils and the main parameters of global change

Funding Programme(s): 
EC Framework Programme 6
Link to Organisations:
Submitted by: EUGRIS Team Dr Stefan Gödeke  Who does what?  21/03/2005 13:25:00
Updated by: EUGRIS Team Professor Paul Bardos  Who does what?  29/11/2017 22:21:00